Tuesday 26 July 2011

The powers of those that don't really know...

We all know that the "man at the top" / "the big boss" doesn't know what is really going on...don’t we?!?!

The saga with the News of the World has been heading down a one way street, a very long street with only one outcome. Without hesitation the “criminals” were named and shamed and I am not convinced that the right person/s have been asked the right questions.

Almost immediately, we found under the spotlight Rebekah Brooks, James Murdoch and the famous global media baron Rupert Murdoch. All of which are of high reputation in the media world and almost household names to many. They have, in their own right, created and been a part of the biggest national newspaper in Britain. They have influenced the minds of those that walk out of the front door on a Sunday morning with the intention of buying a copy of the News of The World. Having said that, the point I am wishing to make is...how is it that those at the very top are expected to know the ins and outs of everything and why have they been scrutinised by the media and questioned in front of a panel?

I direct this towards Rupert Murdoch primarily, having seen him being plastered with shaving foam by a member of the public. Take any organisation, and I say this from past experience having worked for a large organisation for over eight years and having spoken with others about their opinion, you will find that those “at the top” have no idea what is going on on the ground floor and they certainly don't know how to do the job of those who work 9-5 and get paid just above minimum wage!

So my question is, why is Rupert Murdoch taking the blame for a crime that he did not commit nor did he have any idea was being carried out within his huge organisation? You may well find that a manager of say 20+ people in one busy office is unable to supervise all of his/her staff because there are not enough hours in the day to get the job/s done, let alone babysit those that you have employed to do a job. How on earth is some one of Rupert Murdoch’s stature, having considered realistically how large News Corp is, supposed to know about the phone hackings that had been carried out over a term of years?? How can anyone seriously believe that Mr. Murdoch has the answers to the numerous questions that have been put before him??

Start from the beginning I say, start from the bottom and work up...The questions need to be put to those that physically carried out the crimes...

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