Monday 25 July 2011

Amy and Norway

Is it right that people compare the death of Amy Winehouse to the victims of the Norwegian bombing and shootings? I don't think it is, and yet they are!

I have read many comments on FB over the last few days. Some people's status' start with "RIP Amy Winehouse...tragic news...inevitable". Others are quite the opposite and quite disturbing, for example "Amy Winehouse chose to be a crack head.... Norway's children didn't chose to be blown up... Rip Norway!!!!"" Is this the first thing that comes to our mind? Is this how we really feel? Is this how we deal with death? Comparing one death to another and then making a decision as to which deserves peace and which doesn't? 

Why are people offended when others want to pay their respects to someone who struggled through their short life on drugs and alcohol abuse? No one can understand what they felt. No one can know what was really going on in their mind. Take Amy Winehouse for instance...she may have had fame, money and may have spoilt herself with whatever she fancied, unlike the rest of us who live 'normal' lives but there is the saying "money can't buy you happiness". How do people forget this popular, used so often phrase so quickly when the famous, some of which are sudden and tragic, die?!?

I don't feel that Amy Winehouse, because she was famous and known by all around the world, that she deserves more love and respect than those in Norway but she was as innocent as those individuals that were massacred in Norway. They each led a life that was different to anyone else's, as we all do. No one life is the same. They each had families. They each were loved. Let's not curse the death of any one when we know so little about them.

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