Monday 22 August 2011

V Festival...wild at nights

V Festival 2011 - Hylands Park, Chelmsford

Eminem, Rihanna and Chase and Status made V Festival 2011! Without question the atmosphere was electrifying for everyone that stood in the mass crowd and appreciated the live music that was bellowing across the fields.

Chase and Status headlined in The Arena Saturday night. It had rained earlier on in the day but that did not disgruntle any one's mood. After all, that is the basis of a festival in England. The one thing that makes me go insane with happiness whilst watching live acts is the uproar and togetherness that the crowd contains. Chase and Status had it all! They had the tracks, the melodies, the bass-line and a magnificent range of people, and they all ended up wanting more. I didn't know all of the tracks they performed admittedly but every track sounded as good as the last. MC Rage kept the crowd pumped with adrenalin and Delilah gave an outstanding vocal performance.

Rihanna headlined before Eminem on the V Stage Sunday night. The day had been hot and the mood seemed more relaxed than the day previous, as people found themselves trying to re-cooperate from the night before. To be honest I was not expecting much from her vocals. In fact, I could suggest there was some auto tune involved... I had not once seen a live performance of hers that I felt was any good. Either way, she smiled throughout her set; she strutted across the stage like she owned it and gave everything she had, which seemed to be a lot. 

Eminem was the act that everyone wanted to witness. Having been out of the limelight for some years after rehabilitation and disconnected himself from the world of media frenzy, for most it was the thought that Eminem was actually in Chelmsford that made it that bit more special. One of the biggest, if not The biggest rapper in the world was going to be performing in front of hundreds of thousands! Certainly no one really knew what to expect, I know I didn't but I had a positive vibe that Eminem was going to impress, that he was going to blow us away with his entire chart topping tracks...and he did just that! The appreciation from the crowd to him and vice versa was phenomenal. He had returned to the world of live music and proved that when you fall down you can always get back up...

Monday 15 August 2011

Give yourself a second chance...

The riots that trashed the streets of major cities in England last week have raised some unanswered questions and given answers to questions we thought we would never find ourselves asking. It was a tragic period in England that we all had to witness and one week on we follow the developments and justice is now being served!

It is not as though we did not know that these kinds of people existed in our communities. There has always been gangs that loiter the streets; day in day out, night after night. They look bored, unenthusiastic about life and certainly you would chose to walk in the opposite direction if you were to find yourself walking towards them. There has always been troublesome children in schools who become rowdy and cause disruption. They act out to release a feeling of loneliness, failure and disconnection from the world around them.

How can it now be stated, by so many, mainly those that have been involved in the riots in one form or another, that the riots were triggered by poverty and the lack of jobs?!?! There has not always been a recession. There have been and still are jobs available to people of any just have to look for them. Laziness and pure greed eats at the people that think they can stay at home, live off benefits and destroy our great cities. They have no manners, no remorse and no respect because they have always been this way, not because of the recession. Yes, people become depressed over time of unemployment and feel like there is nowhere to turn but I do not believe that this kind of person would turn into a raving thug!

These people did not grow to become a thug over night. But they haven’t helped themselves now, in what they believe are already tough times. They should have stepped back and thought about their actions before they committed to them. At least that way, they would have the second chance in life created by themselves and not by our PM!

Monday 8 August 2011

Correct me if I'm wrong but...

...the end seems near.

I have been watching the BBC News on and off this evening. I had a vague idea of what has been going on in the City of London over the past three days. I believed what I was being told by the media. It all started with a young man being shot dead in Tottenham by police and justice for his death was being sought after.

This does not seem to be the case. The scenes have worsened, innocent people are now suffering and this has gone too far. This is a catastrophe and I pray to God that it ends sooner rather than later because at this rate Great Britain will no longer exist as Great Britain.

I have now seen that Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool have begun riots and looting. The state of the streets is quite unbelievable! These are sights that I don't think that I have ever seen in my years of being alive. 

The question I am asking, apart from 'is this actually happening?' is... 'Why?' What is the purpose or motive behind this shameful behaviour? We all know that gangs exist. There are gangs of people that steal and make a living out of it – some commit crime because they want to survive and some because they know no different, destroying people's lives seems to be their way of dealing with their own life. But this is too much. This is not what they do. Something has cracked. Something has been broken. And from where I am sitting right now, there doesn't seem to be anyway of fixing it any time soon...

Sunday 7 August 2011

What a shocker!

And so it goes on...and it will for some time...

The News of the World investigations commence, Trinity Mirror have now been accused of phone hacking, The Daily Mail are to review their editorial procedures...what a mess!

If this type of criminal activity has been going on for years isn't it about time every one knew about it and all publishers and journalists get their act together? Some good will come out of this upheaval in due course. It needs to. However, what really grates me is predictably the same, self centred, self involved, lonely and pathetic 'celebrities' that jump on the band wagon...and undoubtedly not for justice but undeniably for money.

Heather Mills! What a character she is. She has peered out from her hole and now claims that a senior journalist within the Mirror Group admitted to her that in 2001 her phone was hacked.

I am genuinely not surprised that Ms Mills has added her not so popular name to the list of victims. I can understand why she has jumped on board. She has portrayed herself clearly in the past as a typically self centred, self involved, lonely and pathetic individual - remember the Heather Mills GMTV interview, comparing her life to that of the late Princess Diana! She has had some time out from the media. Hidden behind closed doors since her divorce with Sir Paul McCartney. This massive media story involving the News of the World is the perfect opportunity for her to get back into the limelight and she just couldn't help herself! 

What she needs to realise is that this phone hacking scandal will turn the public's eye onto her for a split second but will not influence the public's opinion of her. She can pretend to be a victim all she likes but the damage has been done. As far as her reputation is concerned (if she ever had one) is well and truly down the pan. She is clearly desperate but she must know that we are not stupid.

Next to jump on the band wagon may be...Kerri Katona perhaps! Oh no, that's not right, she's going  to join the Celebrity Big Brother House instead...Lord help us all!